One 3D printed Claw Cover (available in Left or Right). Photos on model shown only for compatibility purposes.
WARNING! This conversion is not for the feint of heart! It involves purchasing parts from another manufacturer, and heavily modifying BOTH miniatures! This cover does NOT fit the fist that arrives stock with the Titan kit, as it is far too large!
This component is compatible with all Questoris class Knights, only when used in conjunction with DreamForge-Games 28mm Left or Right Handed Mauler Claw.
This part does not replace any stock part, instead the stock chain-weapon end must be cut off, and the new claw hand grafted into place.
This conversion is not for the faint of heart. Without heavy modification, this 3D printed component is not helpful!
1) You must have a Left or Right Handed Mauler Claw.
2) Cut the end off the stock chain-weapon.
3) Modify the wrist of the Mauler Claw so it may be grafted onto the stump of the chain-weapon.
4) Glue the claw cover onto the back of the claw hand.
Click here to see a great photo example from a customer on how to complete this conversion.
This web store is completely unofficial, and its contents are in no way endorsed, or affiliated with Games Workshop Limited. Imperial Knight Dominus Valiant, Imperial Knight Dominus Castellan, Imperial Knight Titan, Imperial Knight Warden, Imperial Knight Paladin, Imperial Knight Errant, Imperial Knight Crusader, Imperial Knight Gallant, Armiger Warglaive, Titanicus and the Warhammer 40,000 name are either ® or ™, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. Photographs of existing miniature kits are used only to show scale and compatibility with the accessories found on this page. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
Choking hazard. Not meant for children 18 years or younger.
These custom designed conversion components will arrive unpainted.